Thursday 26 September 2013

My Son's Honesty

For the past couple of days after reading my son's library book, I ask him when he needs to take the book back to school. He always replies, "the day before international brunch day" (a brunch that the school is having this coming Saturday where he gets to dress up in something that represents his cultures - he is super excited about it) "when is that mommy?" And I say Friday, although in my mind I know he needs to return his book on library day which is Thursday. So this morning, being Thursday, I ask him again and get the same response. So I figured, maybe library day has changed to Friday.

When we get to school this morning, K's teacher asks him if he brought his library book back and he says "I forgot it" in the sweetest most innocent voice ever. And then he says "can I bring it tomorrow?" I wanted to give him the biggest hug ever. I haven't stopped thinking about this moment all day. Maybe we'll have an ice-cream treat after school today :)

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